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Cleaning Business Licence

In compliance with the Environmental Public Health (EPH) Amendment Bill, our company has successfully applied for and received a cleaning business licence as of today.

Under the Bill, all general cleaning businesses in Singapore, even if these services form only part of their overall business, will have to be licensed by 1st September 2014. (more…)

SME 1000 Company (2014)

Fourways has  been awarded the SME 1000 Company in 2014. We are proud of having achieved this ranking once again. Our company has consistently been in the SME 500 ranking since 2006, followed by SME 1000 ranking since 2011.

Congratulations and thank you to our entire Fourways team!

The Singapore SME 1000 award is part of an annual corporate accolade based on the financial performance of Singapore incorporated companies and small & medium enterprises (SMEs). The screening process is undertaken by the Awards Steering Committee consisting of representatives from DP Information Group, EY, ACRA, IDA Singapore, IE Singapore, SPRING Singapore and Singapore Business Federation.


Renewal of ISO 9001:2008

Fourways has successfully renewed our ISO 9001:2008 certification. The current certificate is valid until 19th November 2015.

ISO Certificate (Exp 191115)